News — Drinking Water Delivery
HOWTO pay for Bera Water with M-PESA?
Bera Water Bottled Water Drinking Water Drinking Water Delivery Drinking Water Delivery Nairobi Flutterwave mpesa Payment payment processor Pesapal

When paying for your bera water drinking water order by credit/debit card or mobile money, select flutterwave or pesapal as a payment method. Both can process card and mpesa payments for you, so choose whichever you are more comfortable with (personally have found that flutterwave (when operational) has a smoother mpesa experience for mobile users and pesapal is better for desktop users). When having trouble making an order, contact us and we'll try to assist you.
Here's the Bera Water Android App
Android App Bera Water Bottled Water Drinking Water Drinking Water Delivery Google Play Store Nairobi